Monday, May 20, 2013

I am Mycol Hritz.
I am the son of the late Regina Arlene Gould Hritz. Known to some as Lady Mia, to many more as Gina, and many, many more as simply Mom. She was the stand in mom for hundreds for her 78 years of life, even for my wife Bonnie Hritz.

I am a Bard.
Not just at the game table, or even just around the campfire.  I carry every impact on my life and the lives of my ancestors and family.  I tell stories to share humor, might, honor and lessens learned.  I remember them that I might share them. I share them so that we never forget.

I am a Asatruar.
I follow the reclaimed faith of the Northern European traditions.  We venerate the Nine Noble Virtues; Truth, Courage, Honor, Fidelity, Discipline, Hospitality, Self-reliance, Industriousness, and Perseverance. We honor our Gods, our Ancestors, and our Heroes.

I am a Red Road Shaman.
I learned that keeping memory, stories, and legends are the only way we grow.  I learned that by telling the stories, we never lose anyone. Mitakuye Oyasin.  We are all related.

I am enraged,
For I have learned that there are those who have chosen to erase the memory of my mother, my Ancestor, Regina.  I have learned that those who should be carrying the story with me, have chosen to destroy it.  They find their guilt less bitter if they can deny she existed.  Gone is her name, gone are her pictures, believing that they can erase her.

I am smiling.
For I have, for years, shared and told those stories, to all that would hear.  I have amassed a following of love and adoration for the mother they never met.  Her stories have been shared with men, women, and children of all circles.  Five seek to forget her.  Countless others seek to know her.  Countless more love her.

I am victorious.

And they are already defeated.

Hail, Mother Gina.


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